May 9, 2007

Polls, Quizzes, Personality Tests, and Surveys - Web 2.0 Style

The Web 2.0 Train just doesn't stop. It seems that everything that you used to have to do on your desktop, or things that only companies could do, or things that used to cost a fortune to do, are now available online, to everyone, for free. Just check out

Let's say that a user decides to create a poll on, he can then share it on his blog, profile, journal, website, forum or whatever. Polls, quizzes, personality tests, surveys - whatever. Now you can do it on for free. And this isn't some boring looking bar graph, either. The designs you can create for your quizzes are fun, fresh, and exciting. You really ought to check it out.

Here's a quick, but important, poll that I created in just minutes on Quibblo.

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