May 9, 2007

Freeform - oh wait, I mean Free Forms

Have you ever tried to create a Web Form? If you are not sure what you are doing - it can be confusing, frustrating, and seem downright impossible.

Well, as the Web 2.0 trend continues of the things once only accessible to the super rich or the super geeky that is now in the realm of the common web surfer, making your own online or email forms is now easier than ever!

Check out what I did using the website:

Have Chad W. Smith appear on your Vlog, Podcast, or TV Show.

( required fields marked with an * )

* Name of the broadcast
* What type of show/broadcast is this?
TV Show
Other (please specify below)
If you stated other, please explain:
* Please briefly describe your broadcast.
* Name of contact person
* What topic(s) would you like Chad to discuss?

Add to any service

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