Add Text Bubbles To Videos (YouTube, MetaCafe, GoogleVideo and others..)
Brand new Israeli startup BubblePLY has created an easy tool for adding text or link comic-book style bubbles to videos from popular video sharing sites. Tell it the link to a video on YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe and others, and then add your own content. The video is saved and can be shared via a link or embedding on a web page.
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This is Ilan from I would like to firstly thank you for your post and for all the informative information.
Did you know that besides offering the ability to layer bubbles on top of a video, BubblePLY can also be used to add subtitles, closed captioning and informative notes etc.?
We at BubblePLY would like to invite you and your readers to experiment with us to see how many other interesting ways BubblePLY can be used.
If you’re having trouble embedding our PLYviewer into your site, please check our FAQs (link -
You can see another example of BubblePLY use in the following link: http://www.bubb...ed-ce306df24bbd
Finally, if you have any comments or questions please e-mail us:
Nice blog. We are looking for bloggers to post articles and video on behalf of our clients. If you are interested, please contact me at
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