I might be playing these songs soon
Lord willing, I will be. More details to come. I'm a very happy person right now. God is good, and He is generous.
FineTune is a website that lets you create a playlist of songs for free, imbed them in your blog, website, or myspace, and listen to them as much as you want. You can tag songs, share playlists, and more. The only catch is, you have to pick 45 songs before you can listen to them all - but they even have that covered - the "I'm Lazy" feature fills your playlist for you. It's a great site and an awesome service!

nice playlist :)
though I'm not sure Nick Lachey's What's Left of Me belongs up there. I mean, isn't the song supposed to be about failed relationship?
Thanks ShiNizzle, it took a while to work up, and it still needs help.
I thought the "What's left of me" song was about starting or renewing a relationship after a broken one. Which, in my case, would apply. I'll have to listen to make sure. But I don't think it will be a part of the list for long anyway. Not everyone likes Nick Lachey. Not that I particularly do, I just really like that song.
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